Friday, March 9, 2018

Racist Halloween: My Response

     Halloween is used as a day to dress up in costumes and eat candy. That's what many say about that one day.  Many of the costumes are usually innocent for little kids. However adult costumes may be a little far fetched, mostly with women costumes. The costumes presented many may find inappropriate and some might say "It's just a costume."

   At first glance, I knew it was a costume that would be deemed offensive by many people. Many costumes in the past have offended many people even if it didn't relate with a certain culture and it was just a certain character. Many of these ridiculous costumes get into the media and the media always likes to portray things as bad. I also feel that the people who live in that culture may have a lot of opinions on this situation many might say it is a costume and that it is or many might say that it disrespects the culture of the indigenous people. I feel that this problem can be resolved if people listen to what others think of the costumes. Also many stores that sell Halloween Costumes like Party City or the Halloween stores that open for a limited time should reject these costume ideas or hide them away so customers can't buy the offensive costumes. Also from a customers perspective they should think about what they're buying. When I buy Halloween costumes I always see if others would like the costume (even though I was Batman 4 times in my life.) From these Indigenous costumes I would realize that many people would not enjoy them as much and not many people would want to go trick or treating with me. The creators of these costumes should come forward with an apology for this ridiculous or offensive idea of this Halloween costume. These costumes is like if someone wore a white cloak and many think it's a ghost costume until the person wearing the costume says he's portraying a member of a certain clan that hates the black race.  A costume like that would get a lot of backlash like this indigenous costume.

  Overall, the purpose of Halloween is to scare spirits away and get a trick or a treat, not to offend a culture and not make a big deal about it. This may be just a fad for one Halloween but maybe it will continue again to next year with a different offensive costume. Also many discriminating actions can never be stopped and they'll still keep coming. However let's not make discriminating actions on days like Halloween.



Inclusive Pepsi Commercial Not So Inclusive: My Response

     Pepsi is a very well known company, it is known for its cola flavoured soda and many say Pepsi is the better soda than others.  This advertisement represents a flaw in the company that will leave a negative mark for a long time.

   From what I have read, people have been saying that this advertisement is aimed towards anti-racial group Black Live Matter by putting  Kendall Jenner (A caucasian woman) in the advertisement. Many of the complaints rolled onto Twitter with even the daughter of Martin Luther King Jr even tweeting about the pepsi ad. Many jokes (memes) have arouse on the internet since this advertisement was released. Many of the jokes were pictures of racial protests or conflicts and the caption saying "If He/She had a pepsi, he/she would be fine." After a few months the backlash died down and the Pepsi advertisement has already done its damage to the company. Also Pepsi has made a tweet with an apology for their advertisement.

     From my point of view, this is just another case of bad planning for an advertisement. Like the Dove advertisement many people just assumed it was racist due to how the commercial was shown even though the advertisement's purpose was not to be racist. In my opinion this advertisement wanted to try and stop the chaos going on with different cultures. From what I've seen, Pepsi doesn't really do advertisements relating to different cultures or anything related to cultural problems in the world. In my opinion, Pepsi was trying to do something new and something based on a serious topic but they planned it in a way for people to think it was not inclusive. I think Pepsi will try to not do that again and go back to close up shots of the carbonated cola drink as their advertisements.