At first glance, I knew it was a costume that would be deemed offensive by many people. Many costumes in the past have offended many people even if it didn't relate with a certain culture and it was just a certain character. Many of these ridiculous costumes get into the media and the media always likes to portray things as bad. I also feel that the people who live in that culture may have a lot of opinions on this situation many might say it is a costume and that it is or many might say that it disrespects the culture of the indigenous people. I feel that this problem can be resolved if people listen to what others think of the costumes. Also many stores that sell Halloween Costumes like Party City or the Halloween stores that open for a limited time should reject these costume ideas or hide them away so customers can't buy the offensive costumes. Also from a customers perspective they should think about what they're buying. When I buy Halloween costumes I always see if others would like the costume (even though I was Batman 4 times in my life.) From these Indigenous costumes I would realize that many people would not enjoy them as much and not many people would want to go trick or treating with me. The creators of these costumes should come forward with an apology for this ridiculous or offensive idea of this Halloween costume. These costumes is like if someone wore a white cloak and many think it's a ghost costume until the person wearing the costume says he's portraying a member of a certain clan that hates the black race. A costume like that would get a lot of backlash like this indigenous costume.
Overall, the purpose of Halloween is to scare spirits away and get a trick or a treat, not to offend a culture and not make a big deal about it. This may be just a fad for one Halloween but maybe it will continue again to next year with a different offensive costume. Also many discriminating actions can never be stopped and they'll still keep coming. However let's not make discriminating actions on days like Halloween.
I agree that these costumes can be seen as inappropriate or disrespectful to some people. It is hard to believe that these costumes are still being sold despite people speaking out about them. This is especially true for people who are part of the cultures that some of these costumes depict. I know I would not like it if someone was dressing up as a heavily stereotyped version of my culture. I don't think that this is simply a fad that will come and go in a short amount of time as these costumes have been in stores for a while. It really is a shame that cultures are being appropriated by these costumes.